Details on tax measures

We have just received some technical details regarding the tax measures for business support during the COVID period.

1/ Request form for payment deferral or remission of tax deadlines:

The online request form on has evolved to include the requirement for companies/groups of more than 5000 employees or 1.5Mde of turnover to achieve no dividend distribution or share repurchase between 03/27 and 12/31/2020. The new form is available in PDF format HERE or in filled format ODT HERE.


2/ Solidarity Fund:

  • Decree No. 2020-371 of 03/30/2020 provides in the Article 3 an important point conditioning eligibility for aid:  when requesting solidarity funds, the company certifies by declaration on honor to fulfil "the conditions provided in this decree, the accuracy of the information declared as well as the  regularity of its fiscal and social situation on March 1st, 2020""
  • A company that is up to date with its returns but not its payments and which benefit from a settlement plan granted by the tax creditor or the CCSF is denied to have a regular tax situation as long as these plans are respected as of March 1st, 2020.


3/ Next VAT returns:

Businesses are required to meet their reporting and VAT payment deadlines throughout the health crisis.
However, some may face difficulties in establishing a VAT return and making the corresponding payment with the usual accuracy, due to their inability to collect all the useful documents in the current containment context.

Sensitized to this difficulty, the Director-General of Public Finance wanted to provide more flexible reporting measures, which are specified in the  attached document.


“Our experts are constantly monitoring regulatory changes providing support to businesses. Our articles are updated by midday on the basis of press releases and the publication of decrees by official bodies, which are deciphered by our experts. There may sometimes be a couple of hours delay between the official texts and our publication, the purpose of which is to provide you with preliminary answers to your questions."