Get a free financial analysis report from the Bank of France

A financial analysis report for each company can be downloaded freely on the Bank of France's website provided that the Bank of France has 2 tax bundles in standard format or that the company can transmit them to the Bank of France. This exceptional device is intended for any company impacted by the COVID 19 health crisis and potentially in economic difficulty.


What for?

To facilitate the exchanges of each company in difficulty with its financial partners (bankers, credit insurers, suppliers) and to have a summary report that will demonstrate the punctual nature of the difficulties encountered if the company is structurally viable and have a comparison with its industry.


Who can access it?

Any company that has 2 successive accounting years with tax bundles in standard format (not available with simplified tax bundles) and whose industry or legal form are eligible for this online analysis. The following legal forms are excluded: individual companies, SNC and GIE.


How do I get the report?

By logging on to the website, the manager is invited to follow the steps to verify eligibility for an online diagnosis. Then, the manager can acquire his company's report freely via his France Connect account which will allow access to his data safely.

Or by contacting the TPE-SME correspondent in his department: by national phone number: 0 800 08 32 08 or by email:  (xx - Department No.) by mentioning "DIAGNOSTIC BDF - COVID 19"


How soon is the individual report made available to the company?

  • Direct and immediate access for companies whose eligibility is confirmed online (online testing).
  • Within 4 to 5 working days by email to the manager if eligibility does not go online and additional elements must be considered (including tax bundles).


Please note that for companies with a turnover of less than 750K, a shipment of the last 2 tax bundles by email will be systematically requested (to be sent to the following address: In addition, executives who wish to do so will also be able to benefit from a free telephone interview with a Bank of France employee.


This exchange will be an opportunity to discuss the key data of the company as well as any other problems related to COVID 19 (treasury, simulation of activity decline, ...) with an expert from the Bank of France.


“Our experts are constantly monitoring regulatory changes providing support to businesses. Our articles are updated by midday on the basis of press releases and the publication of decrees by official bodies, which are deciphered by our experts. There may sometimes be a couple of hours delay between the official texts and our publication, the purpose of which is to provide you with preliminary answers to your questions."