Plan to support the digitalization of commercial establishments

Faced with the health restrictions, the government launched a plan to digitalize the commercial sector. The objective? To enable all shopkeepers, craftsmen, restaurants to develop an online activity, in order to maintain or even develop their businesses.

This digitalization plan is based on 2 measures.

1/ Accompanying small businesses in their digitalization process

  • Implementation of free digital solutions to allow the development of an online activity during the lockdown.

These offers are listed and detailed on the dedicated website

  • Support for small businesses in the implementation of digital solutions

Publication of a practical guide > here <
Ongoing information about digital initiatives > here <


2/ To financially support the companies and communities in the implementation of digital solutions.

  • Digital voucher worth 500 euros to finance the acquisition of digital remote sales solutions
  • 20,000 euros per municipality to support local authorities in the implementation of the digital solutions.


Business Digitalisation Plan

For more information, go > here <

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