Solidarity Fund - what are the amounts of aid according to your situation?

Solidarity Fund - what are the amounts of aid according to your situation?

The Solidarity Fund is extended until November 30, 2020.

The amount of aid paid out as a part of the new lockdown is calculated differently depending on the month in question and the company's situation. Below is a summary of the amounts of aid and the conditions for obtaining it, for the last three months.

(1)Companies will also have to prove a loss of turnover of at least 80% between 15/03/2020 and 15/05/2020 (except for those created after 10/03/2020), otherwise they will not be eligible for aid.

(2) Companies will also have to prove a loss of turnover of at least 80% between 15/03/2020 and 15/05/2020 (except for those created after 10/03/2020), failing which the aid ceiling will be €1,500 provided that they suffer a loss of turnover of more than 50% during the period in question.


The list of sectors S1 and S1 bis is completed by new sectors of activity. Click on the link to download the list of sectors S1 and S1 bis download the list of sectors S1 and S1 bis.

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